Tarot Wizard is a free interactive tarot oracle that allows you to gain experience in intuitive tarot divination.
The artwork and interpretations used in Tarot Wizard are those of our exclusive Psychic Science Renaissance Tarot.
Should you wish to use the Renaissance Tarot using actual cards, you can purchase a high quality 78-card deck, direct from the manufacturers. This is available in both a standard and annotated edition. Each card in the annotated edition includes the interpretations, keywords and advice, exactly as used in Tarot Wizard.
Tarot Wizard allows you to choose from eight different spreads (arrangements of the cards):
- Present Situation - a simple single-card reading that can be used to give an immediate assessment of a current situation or obtain a quick answer to a question.
- Daily Advice - a three-card reading that offers advice for today on (a) what to expect, (b) what qualities you should harness (either use or keep in check, whichever you think is more appropriate), and (c) what lessons may be learned.
- Timeline Analysis - a three-card reading that assesses a situation or question in terms of (a) past influences, (b) present influences, and (c) potential future influences.
- Venture Analysis - a four-card reading that is ideal for evaluating a project or venture in terms of (a) initiatives and initial factors, (b) likely developments, (c) potential results, and (d) lessons to be learned.
- Horseshoe Spread - a traditional seven-card reading that gives a more detailed analysis of a situation, including the influence of hidden or unconscious factors, and that of other people.
- Celtic Cross Spread - a very popular advanced ten-card spread, especially favored by esoteric practitioners.
- Personal Dynamics Spread - an advanced eleven-card spread based on Michael Daniels' Jungian-inspired Watchword Personality Test. This explores deeper psychological aspects and is recommended for those wishing to use the tarot for self-exploration.
- Astrological Analysis - An advanced traditional spread that uses the twelve astrological 'houses' to analyse multiple aspects of a complex situation.
You can learn more about these spreads here.
How to Use Tarot Wizard
First, you should carefully consider the particular question or circumstances on which you wish to obtain advice. To help focus your mind, it can be helpful to type in your question before beginning the consultation. The question you enter remains completely private - it is NOT sent to our servers or recorded by us.
Next, you should decide which spread you would like to use on this occasion. For those new to tarot reading or to the Renaissance Tarot, it is recommended that you gain experience with one of the simple spreads before attempting those that are more advanced.
A good learning strategy is to begin by using the Daily Advice spread for a week or two before attempting any of the more advanced spreads. This will familiarize you with the process of tarot divination and also with the unique interpretive system used by Tarot Wizard and the Renaissance Tarot.
After you have selected your spread, you are invited to choose one of the Court Cards (Pages, Knights, Queens, and Kings) to represent yourself or the person for whom the reading is intended. This card is known as the 'Inquirer'. In traditional tarot divination, it is generally called the 'Significator'.
When choosing the Inquirer card, you should be guided by the personal qualities or role that it signifies. Although the Court Cards are gendered, with male figures outnumbering female, the Inquirer card does not need to represent your own gender identification.
Once you have chosen the Inqurer card, Tarot Wizard will automatically guide you through the steps needed to make a reading. At the end, you will be shown some interpretive suggestions for each card. You should reflect on these suggestions and attempt to relate them to the specific question or circumstances under consideration.
We hope that you find Tarot Wizard interesting, useful, and fun!
Caution and Disclaimer
Tarot Wizard is intended for entertainment and educational purposes only.
Because some people might be upset or unduly influenced by the interpretations and advice given by the oracle, you should exercise discretion and common sense in deciding whether or not to accept its advice.
By using this oracle, you agree to accept any and all risks and liabilities that may result.