(Explore the wall to view and visit our sponsors)
PsychicScience.org offers totally free educational and entertainment resources for psychic testing, divination, astrology, spirituality, magic, and related topics. Established in 2008, our website receives around 1000 visits every day. Maintaining this site is expensive and we rely solely on the generosity of our supporters, occasional product sales, and modest advertising revenue to meet our costs and to help support future developments.
This new Sponsors Page allows our fans to show their support and to promote themselves by placing a static advertisement (with optional web link) on our Sponsors Wall. Our one-time, non-recurring ad prices start from as little as US$20 for a 20x20 pixel ad.
Once you become a sponsor, your ad will be permanently displayed on the Sponsors Wall. Although future circumstances are never certain, and we can therefore offer no guarantees, we expect that our website and this sponsors page will remain active for many years to come.
We accept sponsor ads from all individuals, organizations, and businesses who wish to support our aims and work. However, all ad images and website links must be suitable for a general audience. We will not approve sponsorships from those who promote illegal activites, and we will reject images and web links that are sexually explicit, violent, degrading, or unsafe.
How to apply for a Sponsor Ad
- Choose your ad size, noting the prices we charge. The larger your ad, the more it will be noticed by our visitors and the cheaper it becomes in terms of cost per pixel.
- Click the grid on the Sponsor Wall where you would like your ad to appear. If this location is available, it will be shown as a green rectangle. You can change the location (and ad size) at this stage.
- Once you have finalized your ad size and location, you will be shown your UNIQUE AD CODE. This tells us where to place your requested ad.
- Complete the form, making sure that you copy in your Unique Ad Code correctly, then submit your request. Some fields are optional. If you do not have a website (or do not wish us to link to it) leave this blank. If you prefer to remain anonymous, leave the Ad Title blank (we will then identify you simply as "Anonymous Sponsor").
- If you submit an ad image (strongly recommended) please ensure that it matches the pixel size of your ad. We reserve the right to resize or crop images that are the wrong size. Please also ensure that you own the rights to your image, or have permission to use it (i.e., it must not violate anyone else's intellectual property). If you do not submit an image, we will insert one from our general collection.
- After submission, we will review your request and contact you by email. If we approve your ad, we will then ask for payment (PayPal only).
- You can ask us to change your ad title, image, and/or web link (but not size or location) at any future date. For this, we charge a flat administration fee of US$10.
- If you later wish to remove your ad, thereby freeing up space for another sponsor, you can do this free of charge. Note, however, that we do not offer refunds.
- To prevent link rot or abuse, we will periodically review all ads. Dead links or those that redirect to other sites will be removed, although the original ad image will remain. No refunds will be offered in these circumstances, but you can always request an update to your ad (US$10 administration fee applies).
- Finally, if you would like to support Psychic Science but do not wish to take part in our Sponsorship initiative, please spread the word about our site to your friends. You can also support us by making a small one-off or monthly donation to our Ko-fi campaign.