Psychokinesis (PK)
Psychokinesis (PK) is the ability to influence an object or physical process using the power of the mind.. Parapsychologists have devised several ingenious methods of testing PK, many of which (as here) examine whether people can influence "random" events.
The Dice Test
The test used in PK Championship is a simulation of the dice tests of psychokinesis that were pioneered by J.B. Rhine in the 1930s. You have to try to use your psychokinetic powers to influence the random rolling of a six-sided die so that it will land with the SIX uppermost.
In this test, the rolling of the dice is determined by a pseudo-random computer algorithm. The six faces of the dice are equally likely to land uppermost and there will be be no discernible pattern to the sequence of numbers generated.
Although equi-probable, the numbers selected will generally differ in the overall frequency with which they are generated (in the same way that tossing a coin several times will not necessarily result in equal numbers of heads and tails).
Competing in PK Championship
To roll the die, simply click it. You must carry out 60 rolls of the dice in order to complete the test.
By chance (i.e., without PK ability) the average score obtained is 10 (i.e., one roll in six would be expected to land with the SIX uppermost).
To show any evidence of PK in our championship test, you need to score at least 17 sixes (hits). The chances of obtaining 17 or more hits by luck is less than 0.05 (1 in 20).
If you obtain a score that is equal to or higher than the top scores obtained by our users, you will be given the opportunity to submit your data to us so that you can be added to our published list of champions!
Statistical Analysis
Your results are automatically analyzed at the end of the test.
The statistical procedure used is known as the z-test. This compares the number of hits obtained with the number expected by chance.
The probability (p) of obtaining hits as high (or as low) as those obtained is determined. If this probability is small (less than 1 in 20, i.e., less than 0.05) the results are said to be statistically significant and may show evidence of PK.
The smaller the probability (p) obtained, the greater the possible evidence for PK.
Username Date Score z p Gold Medal
22 Jun 2022
30 6.7550 0.0000000001 Silver Medal
Brenda van der Kleij
Brenda van der Kleij14 Feb 2017
08 Feb 201725 5.0229 0.00000051 Bronze Medal
Jacques H. Paul Jr. 17 May 2014 24 4.6765 0.0000029