Ball Drop Psychokinesis Test

Can you control the ball with your mind?

Ball-Drop PK Test

by Psychic Science
 Click moves
 Start balls

Use PK to move the ball either LEFT or RIGHT

Select a procedure, then click the ball

 20 balls
 50 balls
 100 balls
 500 balls

Left Moves Right Moves


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About Ball-Drop PK Test

Psychokinesis (PK)

Psychokinesis (PK) is the ability to influence an object or physical process using the power of the mind. Parapsychologists have devised several ingenious methods of testing PK, many of which (as here) examine whether people can influence apparently random events.

Ball-Drop PK Test

This PK test simulates a ball-drop game that is often found in amusement arcades. A ball is dropped and is deflected to the left or right by a series of pins as it falls. You have to use your psychokinetic powers to try to deflect the ball one way or the other.

In this test, the movements of the ball are controlled by a random algorithm in which the left and right deflections are, in theory, equally probable. If you can influence these 'random' movements, then this may indicate psychokinetic ability.

Test Options

Choosing a Procedure

You can select from three different procedures:

  • Click moves means that you have to manually click on the ball each time you want it to move.

  • Start balls means that you click to start the fall of each ball and then watch as it drops to the bottom.

  • Automatic means that the balls will drop automatically - you can just watch the whole process as it unfolds.

Number of balls

You should decide in advance how many balls you want to include in the test. This is important if you want to use the test for research purposes (to avoid the temptation to stop whenever results are favorable).

Alternatively, if you just want to play or practice, you can select Manual. The test will then run continuously until you decide to stop it.


When using the Start balls or Automatic procedures, you can change the speed at which the ball drops at any time (just click the '<<' or '>>' button to slow down or speed up).

Statistical Analysis

When the test is completed, or when you click Stop, your results will be analyzed statistically (if there are sufficient data).

When analyzing data for research purposes, you should only use results from fully-completed tests (to avoid the problem of choosing to stop when results are favorable).

The analysis uses the z-test which compares the number of left-right outcomes with those expected by chance (which should, on average, be equal).

An analysis is carried out separately for the total number of left-right moves and the total number of balls that end up in the left (red) or right (green) sections.

The z-test calculates the probability (p) of obtaining results that differ from those expected by chance. If the probability is less than 1 in 20 (0.05), the results are said to be statistically significant and may be evidence of psychokinesis.

Further Analysis

If you wish to carry out and analyze a number of tests, you should record the outcomes on each test. You may then combine the data and test these using our Hit-Miss Psi Test Statistical Calculator.

For this, you should choose the Open Deck testing procedure with hit probability of 1 in 2. The total number of trials is the total number of left AND right moves combined, OR the total number of red AND green balls. The number of hits is whichever frequency corresponds to the intended outcome - i.e., either left (red) OR right (green) totals. For example if you were intending left moves and total left moves (hits) = 5200, with total right moves = 4600, then total trials = 9800.

Note: You cannot combine the data for left-right moves and red-green balls into one analysis because these two sets of data are not independent.